MFS is not a staffing solution to fill the vacancies in organizations following a hire and fire policy. MFS is a work based degree program which requires complete involvement of the organization along with nurturance and mentoring for the candidates. With MFS, the candidates have a life cycle of 3 years in the organization with a path of working along with learning. Also, the final graduation degree is linked to the organization where are candidates are working. If the candidate leaves the organization for any reason or is removed for a justified reason, he has to forfeit his degree and start afresh from the next academic year.
MFS is not a traditional distance education program where in a student has to study at home and work if required nor it is not the conventional education program where in a candidate has to regularly attend college and just pass the periodic examinations. With MFS, the candidates have to work and perform at the organization where they get selected after selection procedures and also, complete their theory through eLearning. The candidates are assessed on a semester basis with regards to their theoretical knowledge and at the same time, the organizational performance monitoring is carried out on a periodic basis.
MFS is not a job providing scheme by any government agency, but it is an academic initiative designed by MKCL and YCMOU where in the academic peadagogy has been constructed by MKCL and YCMOU has approved of the academic syllabus and the methods of assessment of the candidates.
MFS is not a scheme where in the organization is going to be stuck with a candidate they have selected and is not performing. Under MFS, once a candidate has been selected in an organization, he/ she work under the rules of the organization and any specific rules mutually decided by MKCL and the organization.