About Scholarship
Students will be awarded the Degree, by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) was established in July 1989 by Act XX- (1989) of the Maharashtra State Legislature. It is the Fifth Open University in the country. The jurisdiction of this university, originally for the State of Maharashtra, has now been extended beyond this State and the university can now operate anywhere across the globe. The YCMOU has been recognized under section 12 (B) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
MKCL in collaboration with YCMOU has launched a series of education programs under the initiative Role based and work and performance centric education through MKCL Finishing Schools (MFS)
Click here to visit the university website.
After successfully completing 3 years of learning through working at Industry workplaces! University conducts convocation to confer degree to the successful candidates declared eligible for the award of degree.
Learners/Interns, after successfully completing the MFS program which includes 3 years of learning through working experience at Study Centers @ Workplace of industry, shall be eligible for the award of degree.
Yes. Industry is offering real workplace as a Work Lab for the Students to complete the Practical component of this degree program. Students can earn ‘Work Credits’ through their working at industry. These are awarded based on their performance at the Work Lab. Hence, working at Industry Workplace i.e. completing Practicals at the Work Lab is an integral part of MFS Degree Program.
‘Knowledge credits’ can be earned by accessing eLearning resources and solving eAssessments made available through eLearning Platform.
Students' performance at the Work Lab in form of credit points will be considered as ‘Work Credits’, for the award of degree.
Every month your performance at the Work Lab shall be assessed and you would get ratings. The 'Work Credits' carry 50% weightage. Balance 50% weightage is given to your regular learning through eLearning framework, your eLearning assessments and scores.
It is necessary to earn 'Work Credits' based on the performance at the Work Lab and 'Knowledge Credits' based on learning through eLearning, to get the degree.
It is therefore important to perform efficiently at the Work Lab with dedication, commitment and accuracy and also learn about the work done through eLearning framework, in order to get the degree!
Yes. Students are expected to work at industry workplace as per industry norms for office timings. Generally it will be 8 hours of working every day.
For the remaining day, approximately for 2 hours at SC@WP, s/he is expected
To interact with Mentorsfor reflections on deriving meaning and value out of daily actions performed for completing the work at SC@WP To learn through eLearning resources (eContent, Lectures, Webcasts, Simulations etc…) through MKCL’s eLearning Framework – ERA, at SC@WP. To actively participate and contribute to eWorkForumto post questions and attempt answers based on experience gained through practice at the workplace. To collaborate using ePlatform at SC@WP to interact with peers for sharing learning experiences, interact with mentors to ask queries and discuss failures or insufficiencies and corrective measures, participate in meaningful discussions with mentors and/or peers, build ePortfolio for demonstrable and verifiable outputs at the work place.
Additionally, students are expected to meet mentors every Saturday for 2 hours, either in workplace premises or Admission Support cum Exam Centre
A continuous comprehensive evaluation methodology shall be followed for MFS. There will be a fixed hour examination at semester or year end as per University norms.
Students will be continuously assessed for their performance at the Work Lab through their interactions with mentor and eAssessments through eLearning resources.
Refer: Assessment Methodology and Credit Pattern section.
No. There will not be any special holidays to prepare and /or to appear for examinations. Continuous performance at Work Lab and learning through eLearning platform is considered for internal assessment. Year end / Semester end examinations are generally conducted on Sundays.
The holidays would be as per the respective industry norms.
In case Learner/Intern discontinues working in the industry and thereby cease to be an employee of the industry working at Study center @ workplace, his/her registration for the degree program shall be terminated.
The program fees paid by the Intern shall be non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances.
Learner/Intern can however, take up a new job within 1 month from the date of leaving earlier one and continue registration for the degree program.
You are most welcome to meet or be in contact with MKCL Student Advisor to communicate your feedback and share your experiences preferably through email (mfs-bba@mkcl.org / mfs-bsc@mkcl.org) or by posting your feedback on MFS website.
However, as a part of learning and working at SC@WP and/or in order to complete any kind of administrative or academic procedures, it is not mandatory for the Learner/Intern to visit MKCL or YCMOU during the course of your degree program.